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Trophy Sponsor

Want to sponsor a trophy at our next car show?

Fill out the form and complete payment

Trophy Sponsorship Levels (select one)
Would you like to donate an item to be raffled off at the car show?
Would you like to pick the winner of your trophy(s)?

If you choose to pick the winner of your trophy(s), please report to the Trophy area by 10:00 AM to receive your information card to be filled out by you regarding your choice.  If you choose not to pick your trophy winner(s), a Twin City Idler member will pick it for you.

Please submit this form and your money or donation to the Twin City Idlers on or before June 14, 2025 so we can get your trophy(s) made up with your name or business name on them.

By signing this document, the business named above acknowledges the Twin City Idlers Show-n-Shine will take place on Sunday, June 29th, 2025.

Paying by check?

Mail form & money/donation (prior to June 10, 2025) to:
Twin City Idlers
P.O. Box 906, Stanwood, WA 98292
Questions? Call (360) 202-9034 

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